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Turning Concept into Reality
In addition to escalator cladding, storefront brows, handrails and stairguards, this project presented our team with a unique challenge. The level of expertise required to turn the concept of a large stainless-steel glass circular rail in the centre court into reality tested even our seasoned veterans when it came to the design, fabrication, installation and sheer size of the project.
In this 40+ year old building, the biggest challenge in fabricating and installing the glass railing around the existing concrete opening was determining a true radius and maintaining this radius along the entire span of the railing. A game plan was devised in which the true radius would be determined, and an understanding reached amongst all trades involved to work to this agreed-upon radius.
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This was necessary given the uninterrupted length of railing and the impact of repercussions that even the slightest inaccuracy would have on the finished product. Based on these measurements, the structural steel was extended, and the concrete slab repoured, stainless steel elements were precision laser cut in preparation for installation and the glass ordered from Europe based on the fabrication drawings to meet the schedule. It was critical that, with these tight tolerances, all elements be precise as there was no room for error in the installation stage nor time to refabricate any of the elements.